Megkereste a blogot a CNN (igen, az, az amerikai hírtelevízió), mert egy sorozat keretében keres londoni határátkelést tervező embereket. Az angol nyelvtudás (érthető okokból) fontos, így a levelet is változtatás és fordítás nélkül adom közre. Benne van minden lényeges tudnivaló.
Innen indulunk, aztán meglátjuk, meddig jutunk. (Ja, és mielőtt nekiállna a kórus, én már beszéltem a hölggyel, a dolog komoly.) Részletek kattintás után.
„I am a CNN producer and am working on a series tracking some Europeans who are leaving their home countries like Hungary because then can't find jobs and moving to England. England because the language is not so much a barrier and it is not in the Eurozone.
We would ask these Europeans to document their decision/preparation to leave on some sort of iphone format and then pick them up here and follow them with the camera from time to time as they try to find a job. We would also like to document their living circumstances when they arrive. Obviously this is not scripted as we just don't know what will happen.
This is as part of a series on the European financial crisis and austerity in Europe as a whole. It would air on CNN as of the beginning of the new year.
If you are interested or know anyone, pls let me know, my email is"
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